Learning Objective: Students will learn the importance of being an advocate for other or younger students who are following in their footsteps.
Grade Level:
Mindset Standards: 2.Sense of acceptance, respect, support and inclusion for self and others in the school environment
3.Positive attitude toward work and learning
4.Self-confidence in ability to succeed
6.Understanding that postsecondary education and life-long learning are necessary for long-term success
Behavior Standards-Learning Strategies: 4.Self-motivation and self- direction for learning
7.Long- and short-term academic, career and social/emotional goals
8.Engagement in challenging coursework
9.Decision-making informed by gathering evidence, getting others’ perspectives and recognizing personal bias
10.Participation in enrichment and extracurricular activities
Behavior Standards-Self-Management Skills: 10.Ability to manage transitions and adapt to change
Behavior Standards-Social Skills: 2.Positive, respectful and supportive relationships with students who are similar to and different from them
7.Leadership and teamwork skills to work effectively in diverse groups
8.Advocacy skills for self and others and ability to assert self, when necessary
English & Language Arts Common Core Standards:
Subcategories for English Language Arts:
Math Common Core Standards:
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Submitted by: Lashay Caradine
Email: [email protected]