Learning Objective: Student will show consideration and respect for themselves and others as they learn to treat others the way they want to be treated.
Grade Level:
Mindset Standards: 2.Sense of acceptance, respect, support and inclusion for self and others in the school environment
Behavior Standards-Learning Strategies: 1.Critical-thinking skills to make informed decisions
4.Self-motivation and self- direction for learning
9.Decision-making informed by gathering evidence, getting others’ perspectives and recognizing personal bias
10.Participation in enrichment and extracurricular activities
Behavior Standards-Self-Management Skills: 2.Self-discipline and self-control
Behavior Standards-Social Skills: 2.Positive, respectful and supportive relationships with students who are similar to and different from them
3.Positive relationships with adults to support success
9.Social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment
English & Language Arts Common Core Standards: Speaking and Listening Standards
Subcategories for English Language Arts:
Math Common Core Standards: Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them
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Submitted by: Tracy Hart
Email: [email protected]