Executive Summary--Preliminary Results Data from two states in the Northeast are being used as the basis for this correlational study (Connecticut and New York). This work is replicating the analysis completed by the investigators in Indiana, which is supporting optimal student outcomes with school counselor ratios of 250:1. This current study explores further by adding a qualitative component to the quantitative analysis, in order to capture the student needs based on...
VIEW ARTICLEExecutive Summary This study sought to answer the following research questions: Do graduating 12th graders attending schools with lower counselor-to-student ratios engage in a wider and more in-depth range of college counseling learning activities? Do graduating 12th graders attending schools that have more fully implemented the ASCA National Model engage in a wider and more in-depth range of college counseling learning activities? Do graduating 12th graders attending schools with lower counselor-to-student ratios make more...
VIEW ARTICLEExecutive Summary With funding from ASCA, we sought to understand more about the relationship between school counselor ratios and student outcomes. We utilized data provided by the Department of Public Instruction in North Carolina and partnered with the Educational Policy Initiative at Carolina (EPIC - https://publicpolicy.unc.edu/epic-home/) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill to conduct our analyses. Overall, we find that the quantity and quality of school counseling resources...
VIEW ARTICLEExecutive Summary This study examined the effectiveness of comprehensive school counseling programs recognized by the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) with particular interest on career and college readiness of students. Existing data from Recognized ASCA Model Program (RAMP) schools was collected from public data available on the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction’s website and from NCSchoolWorks, a federated system which houses longitudinal data of students enrolled in North Carolina schools....
VIEW ARTICLEExecutive Summary This study sought to answer the following research questions:1. After controlling for demographic differences between students, is RAMP status associated with (a) student attendance, (b) student disciplinary referrals, and (c) end of year course grades?2. In what ways do RAMP and non-RAMP school counseling programs address student attendance, disciplinary referrals, and grades? The research was conducted in Greenville County School District, a large school district located in the northwestern corner...
VIEW ARTICLEIntroduction Most children and young people who experience significant mental health difficulties do not access the support that they need (Dvorsky, Girio-Herrera & Owens, 2014; Kelvin, 2014). This is at least in part due to the predominance of two flawed approaches to identification and referral for intervention (i.e., the ‘wait to fail’ and ‘refer-test-place’ models; Dowdy, Ritchey & Kamphaus, 2010; Glovers & Alber, 2007) that are both highly variable and result...