
Sope Creek Elementary School (2017)

Marietta, GA

Academic Achievement
Group Counseling

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report Narrative:

During 2015-2016 the Sope Creek counselors provided 16-17 lessons to each grade level. Included were 10-12 core curriculum lessons related to our school-wide counseling theme of “Choosing Happiness” from which we collected data for our school counseling core curriculum results report. Of the 10-12 lessons in our plan, three are highlighted in Component 8.
These three lessons are reflective of the unit content and goals of increasing students’ perception of happiness and decreasing serious discipline referrals and teacher-mediated disputes. The first and third grade lessons demonstrate an introduction to the “Happiness is a Choice” unit. The 5th grade lesson was conducted later on in the unit and addresses the more specific behaviors of managing rumors and gossip. Perception data specific to the 5th grade Rumors lesson shows a 96% increase in the number of students who can identify 3 types of rumors; a 67% increase in the number of students who know a dangerous rumor should be reported; and a 36% increase in the number of students who can list 2 reasons why students spread rumors.

Because conflict can be an enormous barrier to student success at school and in life, we committed to helping students change their beliefs about happiness as a choice, as well as learn and practice specific problem solving /conflict resolution skills that would lead to happiness and success at home and at school. Knowledge and skills gained from this focused classroom instruction contribute to a risk-free learning environment; the importance of which is reflected strongly in the school and counseling program’s vision and mission.
In evaluating the effectiveness of the core curriculum action plan, we analyzed process, perception, and outcome data.

During the delivery of these 10-12 classroom lessons to classes in grades K-5, 1160 students were affected. Perception data from student pre and post-test surveys created by the counselors indicated a slight positive change in students’ beliefs and knowledge about happiness in grades 1-5. For grades 1-2 there was a decrease (-17%) in happiness at school and with their friendships (-19%). The post data was collected immediately before our Spring Break and may have reflected student and teacher fatigue. Grades 3-5 showed slight positive changes in ability to: choose to be happy (+4%); correctly solve problems with friends (+3%); skills that make them happy (+3%); and their report of happiness at home (+2%). The greatest positive change was evident in student ability to list 4 academic behaviors that lead to school success (+273%). Additionally, these students showed a decrease in their perception of behaving appropriately at school (-7%) and no change in their level of happiness with friendships, again perhaps impacted by the timing of the post survey data collection.

Outcome data revealed a 13% decrease in the number of serious office discipline referrals, which was below our goal of 20%. There was a 39% decrease in the number of teacher-mediated disputes in an average week, which exceeded our goal by 19%.

Our students come to Sope Creek emotionally sound and happy, for the most part. Our pre and posttest levels of happiness were high, ranging from 75-90% of students indicating happiness at school, with their friends, and at home. This may be in part due to our school-wide focus on happiness for the last 3 years. Longitudinal data has shown a significant decrease in the number of serious behavior problems at Sope Creek over this time. In 2013 serious discipline referrals dropped from 84 during the first 15 weeks to 41 the second 15 weeks. This year the number of referrals dropped from 47 to 41, indicating a long term change toward decreased behavior referrals.

Though a small change was shown this year, overall there has been a positive impact on levels of happiness in our school and a decrease in inappropriate behavior. We will continue to assess student level of happiness at the beginning of the school year, and use this data to identify students in need of additional counselor support. Research indicates that students who feel happy and safe at school will experience academic success. In the future, we will continue to deliver curriculum which has shown a positive impact on our students and also look for specific areas where there is a greater potential for change. This might include teaching strategies for managing conflicts on the playground, the bus, and in the cafeteria, locations where most of the discipline referrals occurred this

Grade Level: 5

Lesson Topic: Happiness Together: Managing Rumors and Gossip part 1

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): ASCA Domain: Social/Emotional ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors MS1: Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well being MS3: sense of belonging in the school environment B:SMS1: Demonstrate ability to assume responsibility B:SMS2: Demonstrate self-discipline and self control B:SMS7: Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem B:SS2: Create positive and supportive relationships with other students B:SS4: Demonstrate empathy B:SS5: Demonstrate ethical decision making and social responsibility B:SS8: Demonstrate advocacy skills and ability to assert self when necessary B:SS9: Demonstrate social maturity and behaviors appropriate to the situation and environment

Start/End: 2/1/16 – 2/5/16

Process Data (Number of students affected): 190 Fifth Grade Students

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): 5th Grade Rumors Pre/Post Test

1.What are 3 types of rumors?

2.Which type of rumor should always be reported to an adult?

3.What are 2 reasons that someone might spread a rumor?

Data 1. 96% increase in the number of students who knew 3 types of rumors

Data 2. 67% increase in the number of students indicating that dangerous rumors should be reported

Data 3. 36% increase in the number of students who knew 2 reasons people spread rumors

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): This lesson is part of the School Counseling Core Curriculum Action Plan. Behavior Outcome data is based on pre/post office discipline referral and teacher-mediated disputes collected in grades K-5 before and immediately after the lesson unit. Office Discipline Referrals grades K-5 Pre = 47 referrals Post = 41 referrals (decrease of 13%) Number of Teacher Mediated Disputes in an average week: Pre = 11 Post = 7 (decrease of 37%)

Implications: By receiving direct instruction about rumors, students demonstrated gains in knowledge and understanding of the importance of managing rumors and reporting dangerous ones. The next lesson addressed the specific skills for managing rumors.





Grade Level: 3

Lesson Topic: Choosing Happiness

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors (Domain/Standard): Domain: Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional Development MS: 1 Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being. MS: 6 Positive attitude toward work and learning BLS: 4 Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning BS-MS: 7 Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem BS-MS: 8 Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and community activities BSS: 2 Create positive and supportive relationships with other students

Start/End: 8/24/15-9/4/15

Process Data (Number of students affected): 4 Third grade classes with a total of 82 students will receive this lesson

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Happy Me Survey
(3rd, 4th, 5th) Fall, 2015

1.I can choose to be happy. Circle one: Yes No

2.I feel happy with my friendships.
a.Super true
c.Not so true
d.Not true at all

3.I behave well at school, and I think my teacher agrees.
a.Super true
c.Not so true
d.Not true at all

4.4 academic behaviors I need in order to be happy & successful at school are:
5.I usually try to solve problems with my friends by…
a.Yelling at them until I get my way
b.Splitting up and getting others to ignore them
c.Talking to them about the problem
d.Telling them I won’t be their friend if they don’t do what I want.

6.I feel happy with how things are at home.
a.Super true
c.Not so true
d.Not true at all

7.One thing I am good at that makes me happy is .

Perception Data Results:

What did students in grades 3 – 5 believe?

I believe I can choose to be happy.
Pre = 94%
Post = 98%
(increase of 4%)

I feel happy with my friendships.
Pre = 93%
Post = 93%
(no change)

I believe I behave well in school?
Pre = 93%
Post = 86%
(decrease of 7%)

I feel happy at home.
Pre = 85
Post = 87
(increase of 2%)

What did students in grades 3-5 know?
I know something that I do well that makes me happy.
Pre = 95%
Post =98%
(increase of 3%)

What can students in grades 3-5 do?

I can name 4 academic behaviors that help me be happy and successful at school.
Pre = 15%
Post = 56%
(increase of 273%)

I used an appropriate problem-solving strategy.
Pre = 94%
Post = 97%
(increase of 3%)

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): This lesson is part of the School Counseling Core Curriculum Action Plan. Behavior Outcome data is based on pre/post office discipline referral and teacher-mediated disputes collected in grades K-5 before and immediately after the lesson unit. Office Discipline Referrals grades K-5 Pre = 47 referrals Post = 41 referrals (decrease of 13%) Number of Teacher Mediated Disputes in an average week: Pre = 11 Post = 7 (decrease of 37%)

Implications: Implications gleaned from this overall Core Curriculum Action Plan include: 1. The perception data did not show a significant increase in the levels of personal happiness in grades 1-5. Kindergarten was not surveyed for obvious reasons. 2. The most significant change in the perception data was an increase in student skill in choosing successful academic behaviors in grades 3-5. 3.Our outcome data was more promising. Serious office discipline referrals decreased by 13% in grades K-5(slightly below our desired goal), however teacher mediated disputes decreased by 34% which was well above our intended outcome. It is evident that our students come to Sope Creek emotionally sound and happy for the most part. Our pretest levels of happiness were high. This may be in part due to our focus on happiness for the last 3 years. Longitudinal data has shown a significant decrease in the number of serious behavior problems at Sope Creek over this time. In 2013 serious discipline referrals dropped from 84 during the first 15 weeks to 41 the second 15 weeks. This year the number of referrals dropped from 47 to 41, indicating a long term change toward decreased behavior referrals. Though a small change was shown this year, overall there has been a positive impact on levels of happiness in our school, and also in behavior. As students feel happy and safe at school, they will experience academic success. We will continue to deliver curriculum that reinforces this trend.



Grade Level: 1

Lesson Topic: Choosing Happiness

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors (Domain/Standard): Domain: Academic, Career, and Social/Emotional Development MS: 1 Belief in development of whole self, including a healthy balance of mental, social/emotional and physical well-being. MS: 6 Positive attitude toward work and learning BLS: 4 Apply self-motivation and self-direction to learning BS-MS: 7 Demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem BS-MS: 8 Demonstrate the ability to balance school, home and community activities BSS: 2 Create positive and supportive relationships with other students

Start/End: 8/25/15-9/3/15

Process Data (Number of students affected): 190 first grade students

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Name ___________

Directions: Think about how happy you feel at school, with your friends, and at home. Place a sticky dot next to the best answer for you.

Happy Me Survey (1st, 2nd) Fall 2015

1. I feel happy at school:





2. I Feel Happy With My Friends

Most of the Time

Some of the Time

Not Much


3. I Feel Happy at Home

Most of the time

Some of the time

Not Much


Summary of Grade 1-2 Perception Data:

1. Did 1st and 2nd grade students feel happy at school all or most of the time?
Pre = 78%
Post = 65%
(decrease of 17%)

2. Did 1st and 2nd grade students feel happy with their friends all or most of the time?
Pre = 95%
Post = 77% (decrease of 19%)

3. Did 1st and 2nd grade students feel happy at home all or most of the time?
Pre = 80%
Post = 82% (increase of 3%)

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): This lesson is part of the School Counseling Core Curriculum Action Plan. Behavior Outcome data is based on pre/post office discipline referral and teacher-mediated disputes collected in grades K-5 before and immediately after the lesson unit. Office Discipline Referrals grades K-5 Pre = 47 referrals Post = 41 referrals (decrease of 13%) Number of Teacher Mediated Disputes in an average week: Pre = 11 Post = 7 (decrease of 37%)

Implications: Implications gleaned from this overall Core Curriculum Action Plan include: 1. The perception data did not show a significant increase in the levels of personal happiness in grades 1-5. Kindergarten was not surveyed for obvious reasons. 2. The most significant change in the perception data was an increase in student skill in choosing successful academic behaviors in grades 3-5. 3.Our outcome data was more promising. Serious office discipline referrals decreased by 13% in grades K-5(slightly below our desired goal), however teacher mediated disputes decreased by 34% which was well above our intended outcome. It is evident that our students come to Sope Creek emotionally sound and happy for the most part. Our pretest levels of happiness were high. This may be in part due to our focus on happiness for the last 3 years. Longitudinal data has shown a significant decrease in the number of serious behavior problems at Sope Creek over this time. In 2013 serious discipline referrals dropped from 84 during the first 15 weeks to 41 the second 15 weeks. This year the number of referrals dropped from 47 to 41, indicating a long term change toward decreased behavior referrals. Though a small change was shown this year, overall there has been a positive impact on levels of happiness in our school, and also in behavior. As students feel happy and safe at school, they will experience academic success. We will continue to deliver curriculum that reinforces this trend.

