Analysis of core curriculum at the end of the 2015-2016 school year showed that we remained aligned to our vision of providing a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes success and happiness in all endeavors including personal relationships and future educational and career choices. Our Bucket Fillers program got a big boost through our P.B.I.S. efforts and showed success in reducing discipline referrals when introduced on the bus by more than 100%. Furthermore, pre and post data indicates that building wide students successfully reduced inappropriate behaviors that resulted in referrals to the office by learning to properly cope with stressful situations. Our hopes for this program to have long term benefits was reinforced when middle school counselors told us that the bucket filler language is still used by students at their level.
Our pre and post data for the Crayons to College program supported the effectiveness of this initiative. We show an average 80% increase in student's knowledge and awareness of attributes necessary for career and college readiness from the beginning to the end of the program. Perception data proved to be the most rewarding through multiple positive comments from students and staff. Small changes made in the curriculum like making the language more developmentally appropriate for students, and increasing the number of weekly winners, proved to be beneficial to the program.
While these programs proved to be beneficial, analysis of the effect on attendance was not as favorable. While small groups were effective, we did not meet our goal of reducing chronic absenteeism for the building. We need to look at how our core curriculum can impact that. We look forward to meeting with our advisory council at the beginning of next year to discuss what can be added to our core curriculum to improve attendance building wide.