
Palmer Middle School (2018)

Kennesaw , GA

Closing the Gap

The Palmer achievement gap intervention is one of our three program goals. This goal is tied to our school improvement plan of closing-the-gap for failing students and help prevent retention. Our “Success” program is also tied to our counseling mission of improving school achievement rates for all students. Focusing on ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors: Learning Strategies and Self-Management Skills, students gained knowledge to help them succeed academically in school.

When analyzing the data in January of 2015-2016, we saw an increase in students with potential failure rates. For the 2016-2017 school year, our school changed from Semester report cards to quarterly reports. At our principal’s request, the counselors identified failing students in the fall in the 2016-2017 school year as a result of the quarterly report card change. Changing to a quarterly reporting model proved to be highly effective in identifying and intervening earlier with failing students.

This intervention was chosen to close the achievement gap at Palmer Middle School because research continually shows that dropping out of school is a process that can start long before a student enters high school. By integrating ASCA Mindset: 6 Positive attitude towards learning, our goal was to help students turn around negative feelings about school and their own performance.

We disaggregated data reports using the failing grades report from our On-Track student profile system at grade reporting times to identify students who were failing two or more subjects. These students became our focus students to begin small group interventions.

We used intervention activities from the “Middle Grades Early Warning Intervention Monitoring Guides” published by the American Institutes for Research in Washington, DC. The parents of each identified student were sent an academic alert letter to bring awareness to their child’s academic standing. This letter also included information about ParentVue (where parents can view their child’s grades, attendance and missing assignments), teacher blogs and available tutoring. For students failing 3 or more classes, county retention letters were sent home to proactively warn parents and students of the academic criteria for being retained. At RTI meetings, failing students were discussed with the purpose of developing strategies for student improvement in all subjects. The counselors also communicated with teachers and case managers to ensure they were following the students IEP and 504 accommodations if applicable.

Additionally, each grade level counselor met individually with each “Success” student to bring their attention to the classes they were failing and complete the Academic Monitoring Form where students set goals to improve their study skills. Students were given a print out of what assignments they were missing and encouraged to communicate with their teachers regarding completing assignments. Each counselor also met with the “Success” students in a small group setting to assist with work completion, study skills and organization skills. Students supported one another and received positive feedback from the counselor.

Pre and post survey perception data showed improvement for 16.2% of 6th grade, 18% of 7th grade, and 21% of 8th grade. Pre-post survey questions were focused on effective study skills and their perception of their study habits in class. For example: by using their agenda, asking questions, and work completion.

Outcome data was measured in retention rates for the school year. 6th pre-group: 80 identified students, 6th post-group: 0 students were retained. 100% of 6th grade students were promoted to 7th grade. In 7th pre-group: 80 identified students. 7th post-group: 1 student was retained in 7th grade, and 99% promoted to 8th grade. In 8th grade pre-group: 214 identified students, 8th post group: 1 students placed and 99% promoted to 9th grade. Overall school-wide results were 99% of students earned promotion to the next grade.

The counselors were excited with the results of this year-long intervention. With only one student retained this was a successful program will continue this next year. Moving forward, we will consider including ASCA Mindset B-LS 5: Apply Media and Technology Skills by having students use their Career Cruising Learning Styles information more effectively in the classroom setting. Next year, we plan on printing a list of student’s Career Cruising learning styles for all classroom teachers so they are aware of their student’s unique learning style. Additionally, we would like to review the attendance report next year to see if there is a correlation to under-performing students and chronic absences.

Goal: By the end of the 2016-17 school year, 75% of the identified students failing three or more subjects at Quarter 1 who are in jeopardy of retention, will meet promotion standards.

Target Group: 6,7,8

Data Used to Identify Students: Palmer Middle School Progress reports, quarterly report cards, and annual report card grades.

School Counselor(s): Barbara Truluck, KJ Tanner, Cathy Fearing

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): M2 M4 M6 B-LS 3 B-LS 4 B-LS 6 B-LS 7 B-SMS 5 B-SMS 6 B-SMS 8 B-SS 8

Type of Activities to be Delivered in What Manner?: Small Group Sessions: Session 1- Academic review of grades, middle school promotion requirements, complete Academic Monitoring Form. Session 2- Study environment. Session 3- Organizational skills and time management. Session 4- 6th & 7th Career Cruising learning styles and College and Career Matchmaker/ 8th Individual Graduation Plans. Session 5- Prioritizing and work completion. Session 6- Academic review, goal setting for next grading period.

Process Data (Number of students affected): 6th- 42 7th- 47 8th- 69

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): At the four and a half week mark of Quarter 1 students met with each grade level school counselor to discuss failing grades and set goals for success. Using the Academic Monitoring Form students completed the survey. Students demonstrated an increase in knowledge and understanding of strategies to improve work habits and increase student achievement. Perception self-assessment survey asked students to identify their strengths and weaknesses in study skills and study habits. Each student filled out a survey when they became a part of the Success Group and also at the end of the school year. The perception data graphs show pre and post survey results. 6th, 7th, and 8th grade total results are as follows: 1.Study 3 times a week: True improved from 54 students pre-survey to 132 post survey for total students. 2.Turn in homework: True improved from 58 students pre-survey to 132 post-survey. 3.Get to class on time: True improved from 96 students pre-survey to 141 students post-survey. 4.Prepared for class: True improved from 84 students pre-survey to 142 students post-survey. 5.Listen/follow directions: True improved from 70 students pre-survey to 129 students post-survey. 6.Take notes: True improved from 68 students pre-survey to 127 students post-survey. 7. Participate in class: True improved from 95 students pre-test to 137 students post-survey. 8.Ask questions in class: True improved from 85 students pre-survey to 135 students post-survey. 9.Use agenda daily: True improved from 60 students pre-survey to 129 students post-survey. 10.Organized: True improved from 73 students pre-survey to 131 students post-survey. 11.Turn in all work on-time: True improved from 61 students pre-survey to 130 students post-survey. 12.Absent this week: True improved from 41 students yes to 27 yes. Overall results from the perception survey showed improvement on pre-post survey questions of 16.2% for 6th grade, 18% for 7th grade, and 8th grade 21%.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Outcome data was measured in retention rates for the school year. Based on final grades 1- 7th grade student was retained and 1- 8th grade student placed to 9th grade. 6th pre-group: 42 6th post-group: 0 7th pre-group:47 7th post-group: 1 retained 8th pre-group: 69 8th post group: 1 placed 99% met promotion criteria.

Implications: This closing-the-gap intervention is core to our counseling department because of the importance to closing-the-gap for our failing students. Our closing the gap, small group counseling sessions proved successful in supporting failing student to reach promotion to the next grade. 99% of students in this intervention did achieve promotion with only one student retained. Students indicated that learning study skills and accountability for turning in assignments increased their academic performance. Pre and post- test survey perception data indicated significant growth in knowledge and utilization of good study habits. At the request of our principal, this program will remain in place year-to-year. Since our school changed from Semester grades to Quarterly grades, we were able to catch failing students sooner in the school year and at each 9 week mark. Both individual and small group sessions proved to be beneficial therefore we will continue this delivery method next year even though time is a challenge trying not to pull students from academic class time. In addition to our goal setting meeting with students, next year we would like to include parent feedback on their students study time and receive their input to how their students can perform better academically. Since 8th grade failing students was significantly higher than 6th and 7th grade, counselors would like to closely collaborate with the 8th grade teachers and receive feedback sooner in the school year on failing student trends and reasons for the increase in failing 8th grade students. Finally, we would also like to collaborate with our school Social Worker next year because we saw a trend in declining attendance rates for the 2016-2017 school year and many of the students in our closing the gap intervention had attendance issues.










