
Lakevue Elementary School (2018)

Nampa, ID

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report

Revised: One of my personal mottos that I share with team members is we are not successful until our students find success for themselves. This part of the RAMP process allows me to have a self-check if I am making a difference in students mindsets and behaviors in regards to their thoughts and actions at school.

The data that was acquired through the use of surveys from students and data that I have collected based on student behaviors and referrals was used to design the lessons and timing for the core curriculum to the students. I have required lessons/concepts that I am supposed to provide. While I do meet those requirements getting to understand how the students think, act, believe, perceive and fell allows me to adjust the lessons to meet their needs and not the needs of a system set by someone else.

The data on that I have shared supports that what I am doing as a school counselor is closing the gap for students socially, academically, and career realms. At the elementary level the emphasis is on the academic and social/emotional mindsets of the students. Career is addressed and is considered a priority but not to the degree of the others.

The future implications for me as a counselor is, what will I do with what I know? Here is my plan. I plan to be at Lakevue for at least 10 more years. I love what I do, I love the changes that I can see in the students from fall to spring, I love seeing the data as a support tool for the decisions I have made, and I love analyzing that data to create the next steps I take as the school counselor. The lessons that I completed this year had an overall positive effect on the students. I have looked closely at the data to see what changes I can make on a regular basis. One of those changes I made this year was to change the timing of the 3rd grade "stop-think-go" lesson to earlier in the year. This lesson had a positive effect on the behaviors of the students. I left pictures of the model with the teachers to be hung up in the classroom. I had the students create a visual image to go in their AVID binders. And I had a mini one laminated to the back of my work badge so the students had a constant reinforcer of the lesson. My goal for next year is to do the same thing. Also, my goal is to look at how that group of students is doing in 4th grade and to make sure that I help continue their growth in a positive movement of self-control.

The other future implication for me is not just for me but for the counseling profession as a whole in the school setting. This data shows how a difference can be made when there is a focus on students mental wellness in the school setting.

The data is there for me to share with families what services students are receiving and the impact for them in school. The data is also there for students who are brought to RTI because of the growing gaps in their progress. I can share with the team what I have provided for all students and the differences it has made.

The best part for me about doing this part of the RAMP process is that I didn't do this to jump through hoops but I did this to try and make me an even better agent of change for students. I have gained new skills, improved my own mindset and know and I will be better able to help students tomorrow than today.

Grade Level: 5

Lesson Topic: College and Career Readiness

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): MS:1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6 BS: LS:1, 2, 5, 6, 7 SMS: 6 SS: 1, 5

Start/End: 9-16/11-17

Process Data (Number of students affected): 127, entire 5th grade population

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Positive Action Survey
-Student knowledge of themselves as a student will increase from pre-survey to post-survey
-Student belief in self will be increase
-Student belief in the value of college/career will incrase
Students will be able to...
...create a future reflection of them graduating from college
...analyze possible road blocks
...create a personal motto to guide them through school

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): The pre-survey determined that -only 20% of the students marked that they set goals for their learning. -only 40% of the students marked they had the courage to try things -only 35% of the students marked that they know their strengths and weaknesses The post-survey data showed -80% of the students marked at least “somewhat” for the answer I set goals for my learning -72% marked they had the courage to try something hard -77% marked that they know their strengths and weaknesses

Implications: The implication on the pre-survey shares that the students as a whole group are -not likely to have goals that will take them through high school and on to college. -not likely to recognize how to use their talents to see them through hard tasks in education. The implication of the post-survey is that there was a shift in thinking “college is for someone else to college could be for me; I understand how I have assets that could use to find better success at school.” The real implication and outcome data will be in 2024 when these students graduate from high school, apply to college or post-secondary technical education and then also graduate. The future implication shares that the development of these lessons for this task is an effective start to promoting personal self-growth, awareness, with a goal of college attendance.




Grade Level: 3

Lesson Topic: Self-Management

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): MS: 2,5 BS: SMS: 1,2 SS: 6, 9

Start/End: 9-12/9-23

Process Data (Number of students affected): 120, entire population of 3rd grade students

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Survey- Positive Action
-Student knowledge of themselves will increase
-Student knowledge of how students can resolve personal conflicts will increase
-Students will be able to make better decisions at school and out in the community

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): During the 2015-16 school year the second grade students as a whole were a challenging group. The outcome data of referrals to the school counselor dropped after this lesson was taught. The population dropped from 7 referrals to 4 referrals in the first week. One month later the referrals were down to 2 per week for the remainder of the school year. Pre-survey/Post-survey responses -40% decrease in “hitting other people” -72% increase in controlling own anger -16% decrease in taking things -43% decrease in being mean to someone you are mad at

Implications: The implication from the pre-survey is that students do not solve their conflicts in a way that promotes personal success. The implication from the post-survey and with the drop in referrals to the school counselor shows that this lesson was effective in making a difference for student behaviors at Lakevue. The future implication is that as students grow and mature this number will continue to decrease over time. The future implication for this lesson is to continue this lesson both in content and timing as it made a difference.



Grade Level: K

Lesson Topic: Self-confidence and Transition to 1st grade

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): MS: 2,3,6 BS: LS: 2 SMS 3, SS 1

Start/End: 5-17/5-17

Process Data (Number of students affected): 102, entire kindergarten population

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Pre-survey kindergarten students shared that 94% marked that they liked school, 5% marked that sometimes they like school and 1 student who marked no. (At the time we did this survey he had come to school when grandma came to town and did not want to be there.)
This perception data is what I expected. That does not change the fact that often transitioning from kindergarten 2 day a week program to a 5-day typical school week with different expectations can be a difficult task.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Revised: Post-survey showed the same results as the pre-survey. This data is not unexpected since so many of them liked school to begin with. The true outcome data will be next year (2017-2018) when those kindergarten students enter first grade and I see if the number of calls to my office decreases. **When the 2017-2018 school year started there were only four students who struggled. These four students did not attend Lakevue the previous year to have been given this lesson.

Implications: The 2016-2017 school year there were 12 students who resisted the transition to first grade. (Our kinder program is a 2 day/all day program in place of the typical 5 day/half day program.) The future implication is that this lesson was effective and could be continued the way it was presented for further support of students mindset about school.

