Analysis of the school counseling core curriculum is imperative in reflection and improvement of the effectiveness of the provided classroom lessons. Through each year in reflecting student perception data, I have greatly altered my lesson delivery based on many factors, including student developmental, academic, and language levels.
Overall reflecting on the three submitted lessons, student perception and outcome data reflect neutral positive changes in student mindsets and behaviors; however, I feel there are inconsistencies in the connection between the story the data is telling and highlights areas for improvement in the counseling core curriculum.
To elaborate, the 1st grade problem solving lesson data shows no change in office behavior referrals for fighting (fighting was the chosen data point as there is no category for “problem with peer,” fighting is the closest fit), so while I will continue to collect from this data point, I am going to make alterations in the classroom lesson to increase student skill practice and implementation to make a stronger impact on this data point. Specifically, I am going to implement an activity using pictures from and a real situation that has happened at our school (taking information from the teacher narratives from office behavior referrals). With this activity, after counselor and teacher modeling, I am going to have students work in partners. The purpose of this activity is two-fold. First, it allows for students to work with another peer, developing and practicing verbal skills around problem solving, and allow more skill implementation opportunities. Second, it allows for further practice on the ASCA behavior that aligns with this lesson, B- SS 2, working on creating positive relationships with other students. Further, while I looked at referrals from two locations where peer interactions, therefore assuming potential for peer problems, are high, it is not possible to further break down the data to determine if those referrals were related to peer problems or not. To solve this issue, I will continue to look at fighting behavior write-ups, but will no longer use referrals from these different locations. Finally, student perception data collected was surrounding vocabulary and student understanding of the differences between bullying and peer problems. While this is important knowledge for students to have, there is a disconnect between this data point and the aligned ASCA Mindset and Behavior. To fix this, I am going to change student perception data question to: “I can get along with others by solving problems in a safe way,” with yes/maybe/no student response options. This question better captures the intent of the lesson and whole problem solving unit, better aligns with B- SS 2, creating positive and supportive relationships with other students, and inquires more closely around student behaviors and skill implementation rather than vocabulary memorization.
Beyond the provided examples, I plan to do a thorough analysis of my “data stories” across all core curriculum lessons to make improvements and changes in the lesson activities, delivery, and the collected data to ensure better alignment with program goals and ASCA mindsets and behaviors.