
Venetia Elementary (2018)

Jacksonville, FL

Closing the Gap

Each school year, my school district requires school counselors to create three Closing the Gap Action Plans. Each of the plans targets a specific and measurable goal as well as tailored strategies to implement to help close students' achievement gaps. After conducting a data analysis of the student population at my school, I located three barriers that affect students’ learning. I designed my program based on the findings from the data. Additionally, I selected three mindset and behavior standards for each SMART goal to develop counseling activities that will assist in closing the achievement gap.

One of the goals that I selected was for the identified 3rd-grade students that were overage and retained due to failing the reading Florida State Assessment (FSA) to make 10% learning gains on the 2016-2017 FSA Reading Test. It is a state requirement that all 3rd-grade students pass the Reading FSA as well as pass their academic courses to promote to 4th grade. After collecting the FSA scores of the students that were retained, I arranged the scores in order so that I could locate the median score to use as the baseline. The baseline FSA Reading score was 271. My goal was for the students to improve their score by 10%. Therefore, the target FSA Reading score was 298.

To reach my goal, I developed and implemented a tiered level support system to ensure that the targeted group of students met promotion requirements by the end of the year. I taught test-taking strategies and study skills to all of the 3rd-grade students using the Student Success Skills Curriculum. I provided additional Student Success Skills lessons to reinforce the test-taking strategies and study skills in a small group setting to the identified group of students as my tier two intervention. I offered tier three interventions to the targeted group of students in the form of individual academic advising to teach them how to create goals and track their progress. Additionally, I referred student cases to the Multi-tier System of Supports Team (MTSS) when the targeted group of students showed signs of little to no learning growth on District Benchmark Tests, such as I-Ready Reading and Achieve 3000 and when they earned a low grade in their core reading subject.

With the multi-tier levels of support systems in place, the interventions proved to be effective with this sub-group of students. By the end of the 2016-2017 school year, four out of the ten students in the target group earned 10% or higher learning gains on the FSA Reading Test. One student increased their reading level from a level one to a level four; three other students increase their reading levels from a level one to a level three. However, all students made some learning gains and improved their achievement level by at least one level. Therefore, they all earned a promotion to the fourth grade.

Goal: 3rd grade students identified as overage due to failing the Florida State Reading Assessment [FSA] will make 10% learning gains on FSA Reading Assessment for the 2016-2017 school year.

Target Group: 10 third grade students that failed reading FSA in 2015-2016 school year.

Data Used to Identify Students: FSA Reading Scores

School Counselor(s): Na'Toria Campbell

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): M 2, B-LS 3, B-LS 4

Type of Activities to be Delivered in What Manner?: Tier 1: Student Success Skills Classroom Lessons Tier 2: Student Success Skills Small Group Tier 3: Individual Academic Advising Monthly Progress Monitoring Student Incentives for gains made on FSA

Process Data (Number of students affected): 10

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Knowledge: I know… 1.I know I can be successful. 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-Test Results (4)gave a rating of 5 (2) gave a rating of 4 (3) gave a rating of 3 (1) gave a rating of 1 Post-Test Results (6) gave a rating of 5 (3) gave a rating of a 4 (1) gave a rating of a 3 2.I know at least one study skills or test taking strategy that I can try. 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-Test Results (3) gave a rating of 4 (4) gave a rating of 3 (2) gave a rating of 3 (1) gave a rating of 2 Post-Test Results (10) gave a rating of a 5 Skills: I can… 1.Use study skills and test taking strategies to help me remember things I know for tests. 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-Test Results (2) gave a rating of 4 (3) gave a rating of 3 (4) gave a rating of 2 (1) gave a rating of 1 Post-Test Results (8) gave a rating of 5 (1) gave a rating of 4 (1) gave a rating of 3 2.Use positive self talk to encourage myself. 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-Test Results (4) gave a rating of 5 (3) gave a rating of 3 (3) gave a rating of 2 Post-Test Results (8) gave a rating of 5 (2) gave a rating of 4 Attitudes: I believe… 1.I am valuable and smart. 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-Test Results (4) gave a rating of 5 (2) gave a rating of 4 (3) gave a rating of 3 (1) gave a rating of 2 Post-Test Results (7) gave a rating of 5 (2) gave a rating of 4 (1) gave a rating of 1 2. I can accomplish my goals. 1 2 3 4 5 Pre-Test Results (3) gave a rating of 5 (2) gave a rating of 4 (2) gave a rating of 3 (2) gave a rating of 2 (1) gave a rating of 1 Post-Test Results (6) gave a rating of 5 (3) gave a rating of 4 (1) gave a rating of 3

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Achievemnet: • Progress Reports/Report Card Grades (ELA) • I-Ready (Reading), Achieve 3000 • FSA Reading Scores • Pre/Post Survey Four out of 10 students in the target group earned 10% or higher learning gains on the FSA reading test. However, all ten of the students made learning gains, and improved their achievement level by at least one level.

Implications: The data implies that when students are given research-based curriculum to teach them skills that successful students’ use, as well as proper guidance they, can accomplish their goals and improve their academics. The results indicate that the chosen activities helped with closing the achievement gap with this target group.



