
Greybull Middle School (2018)

Greybull, WY

Closing the Gap

Every quarter the school counselor creates data reports for students participating in remedial and advanced classes. The data is disaggregated by gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status. Data indicated a disproportionate number of students receiving free and reduced lunch take 8th Grade Math instead of Algebra 1, an advanced course. For example, in 2015-2016 54 percent of the 8th grade class received free and reduced lunch but only 31 percent of students in Algebra 1 received free and reduced lunch. In 2016-2017 43 percent of 8th grade students received free and reduced lunch and the Algebra 1 class only had 28 percent of students receiving free and reduced lunch. To address this achievement gap, many interventions were put in place to help motivate and support students to qualify for and choose to enroll in Algebra 1. Interventions were created based on previous outcome data from other interventions used at Greybull Middle School. For example, strong outcome data shows in the past students have benefitted from programs and classes such as Study Skills, Math RTI, and individual academic planning.

Classroom lessons and small groups were provided to help students identify the benefits of Algebra 1. Math response to intervention (RTI) classes were available for students scoring below the 50th percentile on the Measure of Annual Progress (MAP) assessment. Students had the opportunity to participate in on-going academic planning. Participating students developed strategies to help themselves reach academic goals related to Math. Learning lunches were required for students earning a D or an F in the same class for 2 consecutive weeks. Finally, students were offered Study Skills class to provide extra time for homework, peer tutoring, and reteaching during the school day.Sometimes students and their families choose not to enroll in Algebra 1 for a variety of reasons even if they achieved a 235 on the MAP. Therefore, to maintain stakeholder relationships, the majority of the interventions offered asked for voluntary participation.

Based on process, perception, and outcome data, three interventions will be offered next year to address this goal: Study Skills, academic planning, and Learning Lunches. To improve perception data, pretests and posttests will be conducted to identify students’ attitudes about math, their future goals, and their belief in their ability to succeed in Algebra 1. Once that data is analyzed, the counselor will select Mindsets and Behaviors to specifically target the needs of the 2017-2018 cohort.

Closing-the-gap activities were available during the entire year. However most of the activities were implemented during second semester. Students take the MAP test at the end of third quarter for placement the next year. Therefore students will receive more benefit from interventions being implemented quarter 2 and quarter 3 during the 2017-2018 school year.

Goal: By July 2017, 8th grade students eligible for free and reduced lunches (n=12) will increase their enrollment in Algebra 1 from 3 8th grade students eligible for free and reduced lunch to 7 8th grade students eligible for free and reduced lunch.

Target Group: 7 students in the raising (2017-2018) 8th grade class receiving free or reduced lunches who during fall testing scored within 10 points of the Measure of Annual Progress (MAP) RIT score needed (235) for enrollment in Algebra 1

Data Used to Identify Students: MAP Scores & Free and Reduced Lunch Report

School Counselor(s): Collingwood

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): M2; B-LS 6; B-LS 8; B-LS 10; B-SMS 5; B-SMS 6

Type of Activities to be Delivered in What Manner?: Voluntary Small Groups: College Group & Career Group (Small Group) Math Response to Intervention: If a student tests below the 50th percentage; unlikely considering initial score requirement of 225 for identification (Small Group) Classroom Lessons: College & Career Unit (Core Curriculum) Individual Academic Planning: Each student at the beginning of the year afterwards quarterly with monitoring if student requests this intervention (Individual) Voluntary Study Skills Class: Second semester (Small Group) Learning Lunches: If a student earns a D or an F in the same class for 2 consecutive weeks (Small Group)

Process Data (Number of students affected): Core Curriculum: 7 (4 Male, 3 Female) Small Group: 4 ( 3 Male, 1 Female) On-going Individual Academic Planning: 2 (1 Male, 1 Female) Voluntary Small Groups: 0 Math RTI: 0 *2 students chose to only participate in core curriculum activities and not participate in more targeted interventions*

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Study Skills Survey: 100% reported the class was useful, enjoyable, and positively impacted their MAP performance. On-going Individual Academic Planning: 2 students created math achievement goals (1 to earn a C or higher quarter 3; 1 to earn a B or higher quarters 3 and 4) Academic Planning Goals Met: 2, the student with the goal of earning an A or B in Math ended with a C+ for a final grade quarter 4.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Number of Free and Reduced Lunch students with MAP score 235+ Fall 2016: 0 Number of Free and Reduced Lunch students with MAP score 235+ Spring 2017: 0 Number of Participants MAP score 230-234 Spring 2017: 3 Participants (n=5) average MAP score increase: 8.7 points Non-participant (n=2) average MAP score increase: 0.67 Study Skills participants (n=2) average MAP score increase: 5.5 points Learning Lunches & Academic Planning participants (same 2 students participated in both learning lunches and academic planning) average MAP score increase: 8.6

Implications: This goal was not met because 7 free and reduced lunch students did not test into Algebra 1. Three identified students did test into Algebra 1, the number forecast based on past enrollment trends for this class. The discrepancy in score increases between participants and non-participants indicates participating students benefited from the interventions offered. Three participants were within 3 points of the required score for Algebra 1 placement. This program was voluntary and students were allowed to participate in the interventions they believed would be most beneficial to them. Based on the interventions utilized this year, next year three interventions will be used to target this goal: Study Skills, Academic Planning, and Learning Lunches. Students choosing not to participate in any interventions this year reported they were making positive gains without extra time or assistance. To improve the quality and collection of perception data, pre-tests and post-tests will be conducted in 2017-2018 to identify students' attitudes about math, their future goals, and their belief in their ability to succeed in Algebra 1. The data yielded will be used to choose Mindsets and Behaviors to target. That will make the interventions more responsive to the 2017-2018 cohort of students.




