The three lessons were delivered to 9th and 11th graders. Lessons reflected the academic and career domain. The first lesson was presented to 9th graders. In the lesson students used a high school graduation requirement list and a list of North Carolina Central University general education courses to complete four year plans. By the end of the lesson each student has a completed plan on how they will take courses to complete requirements for high school graduation. North Carolina Central University allows Early College students to register for college classes during priority registration which ensures students enrollment into the courses of their choice. This lesson is completed before priority registration allowing 9th graders to be informed on which courses they will be enrolling. In past, the results of this lesson played a pivotal role in maintaining a 100% graduation rate for the last five years as well as assisting in maintain 100% promotion rate in the 9th grade. This lesson will continue to be a part of the core curriculum.
The final two lessons are ACT prep lessons for 11th graders. During the first lesson, students are split into groups and learn more about how the ACT is designed and scored. These lessons instruct students to schedule an ACT testing time and practice ACT test-taking strategies and questions as a group. The second lesson involves students taking and grading a practice ACT test. Once they have taken and graded the test, students will complete a chart tracking their progress from the Pre-ACT taken in the 10th grade. At the end of this process, students shared the data with their parents at our fall curriculum parent night. These lessons have improved participation, 100% of juniors take the ACT and overall ACT scores on the NC State ACT. Student scores increased by 5% during the 2015-2016 school year; 86% made 17 or higher which indicates college readiness. Students continued to improve during the 2016-2017 school year with 91% making a 17 or higher. It is my goal for 100% of students to make a 17 or better. I plan to continue these lessons, collaborate with the more teachers to serve as advisors for ACT Prep clubs and form student peer study groups.