
Liberty Middle School (2018)

Cumming, GA

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report

We selected three classroom lessons to review in determining the effectiveness of our core curriculum lessons. We chose these three lessons because of their relation to our program goals and because of their relation to the three ASCA domains.

The Sixth Grade “Appropriate Social Media Communication” lesson introduced a variety of uses for appropriate social media. The video, “Ruby’s 101 Do’s and Don’ts for Social Media” was used to introduce the topic and information to students. Students were given relative examples of how not using social media correctly had consequences, and students were also given examples of appropriate uses of social media. Students were given an opportunity to discuss and explore some of the misuses of social media and the consequences for these misuses. Students worked in groups to create a Do List for social media along with ways that social media can be helpful in these situations. Other students worked in groups to create a Don’t List for social media along with the possible consequences of these misuses of social media. Perception data based on the pre- and post-tests indicated that 260 6th grade students out of 391 made at least 1 improvement (max of 4). That is a total of 66% of students that made improvements. Outcome data (counseling referrals) indicated that our number of referrals were reduced from 12 referrals prior to the lessons taught at the end of the first semester down to four referrals tracked during second semester. This is a reduction of counseling referrals for social media conflicts of 58%. After reviewing this results with the large decrease in referrals for social media conflicts, we plan to teach this lesson earlier in the first semester for next year.

The Seventh Grade Lesson, “Harassment and Bullying” reviewed a range of bullying and harassing behaviors with information presented on the harmful effects on others who endure harassment and bullying. The video, “Conflict Resolution for Students, Harassment” by Schlesinger Media depicted a variety of scenarios with middle and high school students who were harassed. The video automatically stops periodically for discussion opportunities, and students participated in a group activity as well as a ticket out the door event. Perception data based on the pretest and posttest that consisted of 4 questions using a Likert Scale, indicated that 223 7th grade students, out of 354 made at least 1 improvement (max of 4). That is a total of 63% of students that made improvements. Outcome data (student to student conflict referrals after lessons taught in October, 2016) indicated the number of referrals for peer conflict from the previous school year, 2015-2016, was 18, within the categories of pushing/hitting, fighting, and bullying. This year, the number of referrals for peer conflict is 11 including the categories of pushing/hitting, fighting, and bullying. This shows a 39% decrease. After reviewing this data, we plan to include small group counseling for individuals from referrals on anger management next year to address the fighting category that did not decrease.

The Eighth Grade Lesson “Completing Your Individual Graduation Plan” provided students with the information necessary to make appropriate selections for ninth grade classes including understanding the pathways offered as well as overall graduation requirements. Outcome data based on the pre- and post- tests indicated that at the conclusion of the lesson the number of students that knew how many credits were required to graduate increased from 27% to 95%. The number of students what knew the difference between core classes and electives increased from 51% to 90%. The number of students that knew the difference between a credit and a class increased from 48% to 91%. The number of students that knew the pathway they were interested in, in HS increased from 57% to 88%. And the number of students that felt prepared to make course selections for 9th grade increased from 54% to 92% and 100% of students created a four-year graduation plan. Outcome data indicated that 99.7% of students were promoted to 9th grade, and 0.3% were retained and 7.8% of students were placed in 9th grade via a student support team decision. After reviewing our data, we will include an additional lesson on high school graduation requirements in the context of each pathway offered. We plan to add a parent night next year at the end of first semester to explain the entire transition to high school process including class lessons, class selection, the portal for parents, and all of the high school transition meetings.

Grade Level: 8

Lesson Topic: Career Cruising

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): C:A1.7, C:A1.8, C:B2.1, C:B2.4, C:C1.1

Start/End: February 13-15, 2017

Process Data (Number of students affected): 372 students in 8th grade.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Pretest & Posttest Results: Pre & Post Tests consisted of 5 True/False questions. The number of students that knew how many credits were required to graduate increased from 27% to 95%. The number of students what knew the difference between core classes and electives increased from 51% to 90%. The number of students that knew the difference between a credit and a class increased from 48% to 91%. The number of students that knew the pathway they were interested in, in HS increased from 57% to 88%. And the number of students that felt prepared to make course selections for 9th grade increased from 54% to 92%.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Out of the 372 students in the 8th grade, 99.7% of students were promoted to 9th grade, 0.3% were retained, 7.8% were placed in 9th grade via SST, and 100% completed their IGP.

Implications: Although the results indicated the success of the lesson, we decided to include more lessons next year on different career pathways and include the different high schools, since our kids go to several different ones. We also discussed doing this lesson earlier in the year next year.




Grade Level: 7

Lesson Topic: Harassment & Bullying

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): PS:A1.6,PS:A2.1, PS:A2.3,PS:C1.5, PS:C1.6

Start/End: November 8-10, 2016

Process Data (Number of students affected): 354 students in 7th grade.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Pretest & Posttest Results: Pre & Post Tests consisted of 4 questions using a Likert Scale. 223 7th grade students out of a total of 354 made at least 1 improvement (max of 4). That is a total of 63% of students that made improvements.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): The number of referrals for peer conflict from the previous school year, 2015-2016, was 18, within the categories of pushing/hitting, fighting, and bullying. This year, the number of referrals for peer conflict decreased to 11. This shows a 39% decrease.

Implications: The perception data indicated that 63% of 7th grade students made improvements. The categories- pushing/hitting decrease from 10 to 5, bullying decreased from 4 to 1, and fighting increased from 4 to 5. Next year, we decided to do another lesson on peer pressure, as well as include topics of bad friendships and enhancing your reputation.




Grade Level: 6

Lesson Topic: Social Media Do's and Don'ts

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): PS:C1.2, PS:C1.4, PS:C1.5, PS:C1.6

Start/End: December 5-7, 2016

Process Data (Number of students affected): 391 students in 6th grade.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Pretest & Posttest Results: Pre & Post Tests consisted of 4 questions on a Likert Scale. 260 6th grade students out of a total of 391 made at least 1 improvement (max of 4). That is a total of 66% of students that made improvements.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Pretest & Posttest Results: Pre & Post Tests consisted of 4 questions on a Likert Scale. 260 6th grade students out of a total of 391 made at least 1 improvement (max of 4). That is a total of 66% of students that made improvements.

Implications: The outcome data shows that our lesson was very beneficial to 6th grade students. After reviewing the results with the large decrease in referrals for social media conflicts, we plan to use this lesson again next year, but we plan to teach this lesson earlier in the first semester for next year.


