
Flinn Middle School (2018)

Rockford, IL

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report

For the 2017-2018 school year, three core curriculum lessons targeted communication, self-esteem and responsibility, focusing on our mindsets and behaviors and goals. While the lessons had impact there are things we can do to improve our delivery and collect data for the 2018-2019 school year.

The Dove Self-Esteem Project lessons were presented, for three sessions, to 140 students in four Fitness Dance classes. The mindset and behavior targeted was sense of belonging in the school environment (M3), as how one feels about oneself affects the way one relates to others. While we feel that this lesson was successful, the perception data showing an increase (440%) in those who felt they know themselves and those who felt confident and secure (234%), that still leaves a number of students whose perceptions didn’t change. For outcome data we looked at referrals and grades in Fitness Dance, thinking if they felt better about themselves they would be more comfortable dressing for gym, thus improving grades. There was a 52% decrease in office discipline referrals for not dressing and a 52% decrease in the number of failing grades. At the end of the lessons a self-referral card was given fie those students who wanted additional support. Looking forward we can expand this lesson by including regular PE classes, as not all students take Fitness Dance. We will continue the small group follow up, tracking referrals, and grades. We feel this is an important lesson to present in middle school, where many students are struggling with body image and self-esteem.

The 7th grade communication lesson, we have discovered, is a good introduction lesson. The lesson was presented to 285 out of 304 7th graders, in their English classes, with a total of ten classes, targeting the mindset and behavior to demonstrate ability to manage transitions and ability to adapt to changing situations and responsibilities (B-SMS 10). Good communication is an essential skill in order to relate positively to others, helping one get ideas and feelings across to others in an appropriate manner. The students were asked three questions, pre and post- test, in order to get their perception on if they felt they learned more about good communication, with those that could name the 4 criteria of effective communication increasing 400%, those felt they could communicate effectively when angry increasing 31% and those who felt, overall, that they could communicate effectively, increasing 37%. For outcome data we looked at disrespect referrals from quarter 1 to quarter 4, feeling that if they learned better communication skills, these would decrease, as most of the disrespect comes from students not being able to communicate their negative feelings in an appropriate manner. The disrespect referrals decreased from 1st to 4th quarter in the 7th grade, by 8%. Wanting to increase this percentage next year, we will recreate the classroom presentation, but add on communication mini lessons that are shown to all students as part of the weekly cool tools. This will reteach and reinforce what was initially presented, plus add on additional communication strategies. We will also continue to track disrespect referrals.

The 6th and 7th grade responsibility lesson targeted the mindset and behavior of demonstrate ability to assume responsibility (B-SMS 1). This mindset and behavior is important as one gets ready for high school and adulthood more responsibility is added. This was presented to 450 out of 525 students in social studies classes, with a total of 10 classes in 7th grade and 8 classes in 6th grade. The perception data showed that most learned about responsibility from this lesson, with a 53% increase in those who agreed it was important to get to class on time, a 30% increase in those who felt they should be responsible for getting good grades, and a 32% increase in knowing who to turn to for help when struggling academically. For outcome data we targeted the 6th grade tardies, as they had 295 in September, the most out of all grades, and while tardies did decrease 43% by May they still had 168 that month. We also looked at quarter 3 and quarter 4 grades, which showed a 56% increase in the number of failing grades the 6th grade received, but the 7th grade had a 5% decrease. We would like to increase our outcome data on this and will continue with this lesson, adding on small groups and solution focused individual counseling with students who still struggle academically and with tardies, giving them more intensive

Grade Level: 7

Lesson Topic: Communication

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): B-SMS 10

Start/End: Sep. 2017

Process Data (Number of students affected): 285 7th grade students out of 304 present in 10 classes.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Perception data was gathered by asking two questions both before and after the lesson.

1. I can name the 4 criteria of effective communication.( Pre-51- yes;234-no. Post- 255-yes; 30-no) This is an increase of 400%.

2. I have the ability to communicate effectively when angry. (Pre-175-yes-; Pre-110-no. Post-230-yes; Post-55-no). This is an increase of 31%.

3. I am confident I can communicate effectively. (Pre-180-yes; 105-no. Post-247-yes; 38-no). This is an increase of 37%.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Office discipline referrals for disrespect for the 7th grade were 24 for Quarter 1 and 22 for Quarter 4, a decrease of 8%.

Implications: The perception data does indicate an increase in knowledge of good communication skills and how they feel their ability is to communicate effectively. The outcome data, in terms of office discipline referrals for disrespect, which was targeted as these referrals correlate with students not communicating their feelings in an appropriate, effective manner to other students and staff, also showed it to be somewhat effective. The curriculum was pulled together using a variety of sources which supported the mindsets and behaviors that were being targeted Communication is integral to many things in life, including problem-solving, getting along with others. and adapting to changing situations, throughout life. Good communication skills can be challenging, so one lesson may not be enough. In the future, in addition to the one time full hour classroom presentation, mini-lessons will be provided to the teachers throughout the year so that concepts initially presented can be retaught and reinforced.



Grade Level: 6,7,8

Lesson Topic: Self-Esteem

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): M3

Start/End: Oct-Dec 2017

Process Data (Number of students affected): 140 out of 153 6th-8th grade students in Fitness Dance class Presented to 4 classes, 3 times each

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): The perception data showed an increase in the number of students with a more positive body image and self-esteem, i Students were asked five questions both before and after the presentation to obtain the perception data.

1.I feel that I know myself & the things that make me happy ( Pre- 10-yes: 130-no
Post-54-yes; 86-no) This is an increase of440%.

2.I am happy with the way my body looks Pre- 11-yes; 129-no
Post-52-yes; 88-no This is an increase of 372%.

3.I feel that I can talk openly to my friends & family about my
true feelings. Pre-30-yes; 110-no
Post-26-yes; 114-no. This is an decrease of 13%.

4.I know who to go to when I need support. Pre-52-yes; 88-no
Post-63-yes; 77-no This is an increase of 21%.

5.I am confident, secure, and know that I am an important part of this world.
Pre-23-yes; 117-no
Post-77-yes; 63-no
This is an increase of 234%

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): The outcome data showed a decrease in referrals for the behavior of not dressing and/or participating in PE, from 25 in quarter 3, to 12 in quarter 4. This is a 52% decrease. There was also a decrease in F’s, with 53 in quarter 3 to 25 in quarter 4, a 52% change.

Implications: The Dove Self-Esteem curriculum was used in this lesson We targeted the mindset of a feeling of belonging in school, as students need to feel accepted, secure and have someone to go to when they need support. The perception data does show an increase in self-esteem and body image and also their confidence level. However, there was still a large number of students who were still struggling with this. The outcome data also supported an improvement in self-esteem and body image. Both self-esteem and body image are deeply ingrained and a three time presentation may not be enough. The students who completed an exit ticket requesting more help in dealing with self-esteem and body image were placed in a small group to continue addressing these issues. .Looking ahead to next year these lessons should be continued and expanded upon, as well as the small groups.



Grade Level: 6,7

Lesson Topic: Responsibility

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): B-SMS-1

Start/End: Jan-Feb 2018

Process Data (Number of students affected): 450 students, out of 525 participated in these lessons. It was presented to 10 7th grade classes & 8 6th grade classes. There were 2 classes of 6th grade, where the teacher felt she needed to pursue academics with those particular classes, so those classes did not receive the lesson.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): The perception data indicated that most students understood the importance of being responsible to get to class on time and being responsible for their grades.
1. I understand why I should be responsible by getting to class on time. (Pre- yes-239: Pre- no-211: Post- yes-366; Post no-84) This is an increase of 53%.

2 .I understand I should be responsible for getting good grades. (Pre- yes-303; Pre-no-147: Post- yes-395; Post-no-55) This is an increase of 30 %.

3. I know who can help me if I am struggling with my grades. (Pre-yes-333; Pre-no-117: Post-yes-440; Post-no-10) This is an increase of 32%.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): The data showed that from Quarter 3 to Quarter 4 there was an increase in F’s in the 6th grade, from 130 to 204, a 56% increase. In the 7th grade in Quarter 3 there were 258 F’s, which dropped to 244 in Quarter 4, a 5% decrease. In the 6th grade, they had 295 tardies in September and 168 in May, a 43% decrease.

Implications: Although the perception data showed that there was growth in understanding the importance of taking responsibility to get good grades, it did not translate into action. We wanted to target the mindset & behavior of responsibility (B-SMS-1). This is an important skill to know as students go on to high school & adult life as one needs to be more independent and accept more responsibility. The data reports show a number of students who failed 4 or more classes for both 3rd & 4th quarters., We also did not reach 60 6th grade students by this lesson, due to not having access to them Tardies in the 6th grade are still an issue. Looking ahead to next year, small group and/ or solution focused counseling with these students who are failing and/or being consistently tardy, will be implemented. This should be helpful as there are a variety of factors that can impact a student and their motivation and feelings of being responsible at school, which may need to be addressed in a smaller setting, with more intensive intervention.

