
Cozy Lake School (2018)

Oak Ridge, NJ

Small Group Responsive Services

10. Small-Group Responsive Services Narrative

The groups were chosen based on the data I received from teachers and parents.

One group I determined there was a need, the group was named the Mindfulness/ Relaxation Group. The group runs for a total of ten weeks from early fall through winter for weekly sessions. The students within this group were chosen based on the fact that many first and second grade students were entering the year with many signs of anxiety and fear. The transition from kindergarten to first grade is full of changes for these students. The children move to a new building, have all new teachers, as well as new support staff. Students making this transition show signs of fear when entering this new environment at this young age. To address this need, the Mindfulness/ Relaxation group was formed.

In reflecting upon the data results, I have used the information to conclude that there are simple, yet effective ways to deliver my groups in a way to see greater success. A way to demonstrate true ownership of the lesson is to allow students to turnkey what they've been taught to other students. For example, I can have the second graders teach the first graders in group different ways to practice mindfulness for purposes of relaxation. This will both empower the second graders and inspire the first graders in this practice of mindfulness.

I have decided for the next year of group, I will adjust how I collect data in my pre and posttest. I see now that both the quality and quantity of questions needs addressing. I would like to create more of a balance between close-ended and open-ended questions. For example, I would ask for definitions of mindfulness, peace, relaxation, to later have the students connect these three terms together as the group lessons unfold. As an open-ended question, I would ask how the practice of mindfulness can enhance their daily lives and how they can use it in times of stress or unrest.

ASCA Mindsets and Standards for this small group focus on self-management skills. Students will be able to demonstrate self-discipline and self-control. Students will also be able to demonstrate effective coping skills when faced with a problem. These are the focus for my small group because they allow for students to manage their emotions and reactions in an independent way. Fostering this independence at this young age helps build a foundation for future success in a larger world.

My lessons in small group are beneficial in that we work more closely in a small group setting. The students feel more comfortable to grow in their mindfulness under my guidance. Results indicate that they are able to absorb the lessons and activities and fully utilize them in their daily lives. Based on results, the lower scores on the pre-tests informed me that there is a lack of mindfulness being addressed on a larger school-wide scale. This information allows me to reflect on my core curriculum and full-class lessons. In looking at these pre-test scores, I have decided to add a touch of mindfulness to more of my lessons throughout the year, to address this lack.

Group Name: Mindfulness/ Relaxation Group

Goal: To decrease Action Plans

Target Group: First and Second graders

Data Used to Identify Students: Reports through the Interventions and Referrals Committee

School Counselor(s): Dana Williams

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): B-SMS 2, 7

Outline of Group Sessions Delivered: 1.Learning and Practicing Mindfulness 2. Using Mindfulness and Self-awareness to create Goals for Growth. 3. Growth Mindset

Process Data (Number of students affected): 10 First and Second Graders (Heterogeneous group)

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Student responses pre and post group: 1. What do you know about mindfulness? Pre: 3/ 7 did not know what the term “mindfulness” was or its purpose. Post: 10/10 were able to define mindfulness and how it is useful in their lives. 2. How do you use mindfulness each day? Pre: 2/8 stated they take deep breaths to cool themselves down. Post: 10/ 10 were able to state that doing mindful activities, such as deep breathing or taking a walk, helped refocus them and cool them down. 3. What do you do when you are upset? 4. Pre: 4/6 students gave examples of how to cool down when they are upset. Post: 10/10 students were able to give concrete activities they can utilize when upset to help bring them back to a mindful state. 5. What is one growth mindset statement? Pre: 0/10 students knew what a growth mindset statement was. Post: 10/10 students were able to take fixed mindset statements and rephrase them into growth mindset statements.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Outcome data: Teachers reported that there was a decrease of students who requested or needed to be referred to the counselor during times of stress. Before running this group, these students visited the counselor almost daily to breathe, for reassurance, or to cool down. After running this group, there was a decrease in the daily visits and teachers noted a decrease in student requests to visit the counselor.

Implications: Students were able to identify what mindfulness is, how they can personally use it on a daily basis, how to use it when they are upset, and how they can use growth mindset statements to help empower them in moments of struggle. The concept of mindfulness and the practice of it allows them to self-regulate when needed, allowing for more time in the classroom and a greater amount of academic success. In reflecting on this small group, I will consider doing check-ins to make sure the skills are being utilized when the group is over for a long period of time. I feel that mindfulness is best when it is practiced regularly and becomes a habit. With this age group, adults must help foster this practice and keep it relevant and in use with the students. Have an adult “check-in” to see where a student is in their practice will help support this skill.












