
Glenkirk Elementary School (2019)

Gainesville , VA

Small Group Responsive Services


Topics for small groups during the 2017-18 school year were chosen based on information gathered from school improvement data, referrals by teachers, administrators, parents and the school counselors. For groups such as “Test Busters”, “Kindergarten Kids”, “Study Buddies” and “Making Good Choices” we use school data and referrals from school staff and parents. Our “Test Busters” group participants were invited based on 2016-17 Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) test results which was connected to our school counseling program goals and our school improvement goals. Our “Kindergarten Kids” group participants were selected based on our PBIS Behavior Notification data from the first month of school and was connected to our second school counseling program goal. Students for “Calming the Butterflies”, “Social Butterflies” and “The Optimists” were selected based on referrals from school staff, parents and the school counselors. Throughout the school year we remind staff via email of the groups we offer. If there is a student need not being met by any groups, we may create a new group. Several years ago many students were exhibiting low self-esteem resulting in social withdrawal and dropping grades. We created a group called “The Optimists” and were able to support the student’s needs in a small group setting. As students are identified for a group we place their names on a spreadsheet and send home a permission form. As a result, we begin groups at different points during the school year.

All groups except our “Over the Rainbow” grief group are divided by grade, therefore the lesson and activities for each group are developmentally appropriate. As we determine the needs of students in our groups, we choose mindsets and behaviors to drive the goals of the group. The only group that has more than two mindsets and behaviors is our “Second Step” group because unlike our other groups, it meets weekly for most of the school year. We chose different mindsets and behaviors for each unit. This group focuses on four areas: skills for learning, empathy, emotion management and problem solving.

The data collected helps us measure the effectiveness of groups and the impact on students. The “Kindergarten Kids” group was new this year and was created based on PBIS data collected from Behavior Notification Forms. During the first month of school we had a high number of Kindergartners receive Behavior Notifications. We decided that starting a small group early in the school year would be an effective intervention. The ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors for this group were B-SMS2, “Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control” and B-SS1, “Use effective oral and written communication skills and listening skills.” These were chosen because the students received Behavior Notifications for disruption during class and hitting/touching classmates. A student knowledge assessment and teacher assessment of the student’s behavior were used as perception data. All questions on the teacher assessment linked to the group mindsets and behaviors, centering around the ability to demonstrate both self-discipline and self-control in relation to listening when the teacher is talking, following directions, showing respect, raising their hand and keeping hands and feet to self. The question regarding asking for help when needed connects to B-SS1 and using effective oral and written communication. The outcome data came from the number of Behavior Notifications received during the first quarter compared to the second. The conduct and work habits grades received on the first quarter report card were compared to the second quarter.

The results report informed future plans for this group and how future data will be collected and lessons delivered. In the future we will make changes to the way perception data is collected. The student knowledge assessment came from a measurement tool provided by the Second Step Program. The questions were difficult for students to understand because there was more than one answer for each question. In retrospect we don’t feel that the student knowledge questions were as tied to the mindsets and behaviors as they could have been. Delivery could be improved by grouping the students by areas of need. The ten students were grouped by class and lunch time, but examining the teacher assessment to see what areas they scored lowest on and grouping students accordingly may allow for more focus on individual areas of need. We will continue offering this group because it was effective in reducing the number of behavior notifications received by students and there was an increase in teacher perception of how the students were behaving in class.

Group Name: REVISED Kindergarten Kids

Goal: To decrease the number of Behavior Notification forms received by Kindergarten students are increase self-control, self-discipline and listening skills.

Target Group: Kindergarten Students who received two or more behavior notification forms during the first month of school.

Data Used to Identify Students: PBIS Behavior Notification Forms

School Counselor(s): Beth Anderson

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): B-SMS 2: Demonstrate self-discipline and self-control. B-SS 1: Use effective oral and written communication and listening skills.

Outline of Group Sessions Delivered: Session #1: Learning to Listen. Students will learn the four listening rules (Eyes Watching, Voice Quiet, Body Still, Ears Listening) Session #2: Focusing Attention. Students will review the four listening rules and practice using them during a group activity. Students will then learn about focusing and practice focusing on different things in the room. Session #3: Self-Talk for Staying on Task. Students will learn about self-talk and practice using self-talk during a listening/drawing activity. Session #4: Self-Talk for Staying on Task. Students will continue learning about self-talk (introduced during session #3) and practice using self-talk during a counselor-led activity. Session #5: Being Assertive. Students will learn about the appropriate way to ask for help when needed. Students will be able to recognize the difference between appropriate and inappropriate ways of asking for help. Students will practice asking for help assertively. Session #6: Students will review all of the skills for learning (Using the listening rules, focusing attention, self-talk and being assertive).

Process Data (Number of students affected): 10 students 3 groups 6 sessions 30 minutes

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Student Knowledge Assessment: Pre-Assessment Question 1: Circle the pictures that show a listening rule. Pre-Assessment: 4 students (40%) correctly identified the listening rules. 6 students (60%) missed one or identified one incorrectly. Post-Assessment: 10 students (100%) correctly identified all pictures that showed a listening rule. Question 2: Identify the pictures that show a skill for learning that you would use when playing a brain builder game. Pre-Assessment: 3 students (30%) correctly identified the pictures. Post-Assessment: 6 students (60%) correctly identified the pictures. Increase of 100% Teacher Kindergarten Kids Pre-Assessment Responses are on a Likert Scale (1) Never (2) Rarely (3) Occasionally (4) Almost Always (5) Always This student listens when the teacher is talking. Pre: 3.4 Post: 3.6 5.88 % increase This student follows directions the first time they are given. Pre: 3.1 Post: 3.6 16.12 % increase This student is polite and respectful to students and adults. Pre:3.7 Post: 4.0 8.10% increase This student asks for help when they don’t understand. Pre: 3.4 Post: 3.9 14.70 % increase This student raises their hand to answer questions in class. Pre: 3.2 Post: 3.7 15.62% increase This student keeps their hands and feet to themselves. Pre: 3.2 Post: 3.7 15.62% increase

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): PBIS Behavior Notification Data Collected 1st Quarter: 24 Behavior Notifications were given to the 10 students participating in the Kindergarten Kids small group. 2nd Quarter: 1 Behavior Notification was given to a student participating in the Kindergarten Kids small group. Decrease of 3200% Report Card Data (S =Student Adequately Meets Objectives) (S- =The student inconsistently meets objectives) (N= The student has not met objectives at the time of grading) Conduct Grades: 1st Quarter: 3 students received an S 7 students received an S- 2nd Quarter: 6 students received an S 2 students received an S- 2 students received an N 100% increase in the percentage of students receiving an S in conduct. 250% decrease in the percentage of students receiving an S- Work Habits Grades: 1st Quarter: 8 students received an S 2 students received an S- 2nd Quarter: 8 students received an S 2 students received an S- 0% change in work habits grades

Implications: REVISED The perception data from the “Kindergarten Kids” group Student Knowledge Assessment showed an increase in knowledge from the pre-test to the post-test. The perception data collected from the Teacher Assessment showed an increase in appropriate student behaviors in all areas. This group started at a good point in the school year (during the second month of school) but it may be beneficial to continue this group for a longer period of time for all students participating. Three of the ten students participating in this group continued to have difficulties with classroom behavior and participated in the Second Step group that started in February as a result. If they had continued with this group longer, they may have shown more growth earlier. This group took place during Kindergarten lunch but may be more beneficial during a different time of the day so that the students are focusing their full attention on the group content. The 30 minutes set aside for this group was more than adequate and was a good amount of time to hold each student’s attention. It may be beneficial for the Kindergarten Skills for Learning and Self-Management classroom lessons to take place in the very beginning of the year rather than waiting until December so that they complement the skills that are being learned in this small group. The student perception data collection tool could be improved. It was confusing for the students and only loosely aligned with the mindsets and behaviors. Rather than use the tool provided by the Second Step program, we will create our own so that we can not only measure more content, but also measure more effectively. While both questions on the student knowledge survey were tied to B-SS1, we will create our own so that both Mindsets and Behaviors are more clearly represented in the questions. This will also ensure that our ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors are measured more effectively. Based on the perception and outcome data, this group was successful in decreasing the number of Behavior Notifications received, increasing student conduct grades, increasing student knowledge, and improving student behavior in the classroom. As a result, this group will continue be offered at the beginning of each school year if there is a need based on school data.


















