The third grade conflict resolution unit proved effective. I was able to deliver the unit within the time allotted and the three sessions seems sufficient for delivering the intended content. Perception data consistently shows that the students meet the lesson goals. They develop a common language for discussing conflict and teachers throughout the school are able to prompt them to utilize the language and skills that they have learned. Initially, I was not sure that the students would carry over the skills to their every day life and take the time to implement the practices. However, looking at the outcome data suggests that the behavior of most students was positively impacted by the curriculum. A 39% decrease in office referrals for most students is significant and indicates that students without severe emotional disturbances will benefit from these three lessons. I intend to continue these lessons with the third grade students.
The fifth grade career considerations lessons also achieved their targeted goal. This past year these lessons certainly increased the students' knowledge of post-secondary training options. Unfortunately, I had to abort the pre-test with three of the classes due to the strongly negative response to being quizzed on unknown information by the first class. Nevertheless, it was clear that the students had not previously been exposed to discussions of post-secondary training. Perception data on the post-test revealed that the students were able to identify 3 types of post-secondary training, other than a 4-year college, and they were able to discuss some careers that one might be trained for at each location. It would be interesting in subsequent years to try to measure attitude changes towards school attendance as a result of these lessons, especially since the outcome data did show a positive trend with the number of students at risk of chronic absenteeism dropping from 23 to 13. Moving forward career development activities will begin at earlier grade levels. Thus, it will be important to evaluate whether the lessons need to be modified to provide new content.
The fifth grade Student Success Skills core curricula is an ambitious program with multi-dimensional goals ranging from developing students to have a healthy balance of mental,social/emotional and physical well-being (M1), to strengthening self-confidence in their ability to succeed (M2), to identifying short term academic and social/emotional goals (LS7), to creating positive/supportive relationships with other students (SS2). While the perception data and outcome data showed good results, the delivery of the lessons often felt rushed and the 10 planned lessons required additional sessions to complete the content. Additionally, with the vast scope of the lessons, it was more difficult for the teachers to reinforce the concepts throughout the school day. Consideration of the decision to continue with these lessons will have to include thought about the amount of time required to deliver the program effectively and perhaps a narrowing of the scope of the lessons.