
Cheston Elementary School (2019)

Easton, PA

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report

The third grade conflict resolution unit proved effective. I was able to deliver the unit within the time allotted and the three sessions seems sufficient for delivering the intended content. Perception data consistently shows that the students meet the lesson goals. They develop a common language for discussing conflict and teachers throughout the school are able to prompt them to utilize the language and skills that they have learned. Initially, I was not sure that the students would carry over the skills to their every day life and take the time to implement the practices. However, looking at the outcome data suggests that the behavior of most students was positively impacted by the curriculum. A 39% decrease in office referrals for most students is significant and indicates that students without severe emotional disturbances will benefit from these three lessons. I intend to continue these lessons with the third grade students.

The fifth grade career considerations lessons also achieved their targeted goal. This past year these lessons certainly increased the students' knowledge of post-secondary training options. Unfortunately, I had to abort the pre-test with three of the classes due to the strongly negative response to being quizzed on unknown information by the first class. Nevertheless, it was clear that the students had not previously been exposed to discussions of post-secondary training. Perception data on the post-test revealed that the students were able to identify 3 types of post-secondary training, other than a 4-year college, and they were able to discuss some careers that one might be trained for at each location. It would be interesting in subsequent years to try to measure attitude changes towards school attendance as a result of these lessons, especially since the outcome data did show a positive trend with the number of students at risk of chronic absenteeism dropping from 23 to 13. Moving forward career development activities will begin at earlier grade levels. Thus, it will be important to evaluate whether the lessons need to be modified to provide new content.

The fifth grade Student Success Skills core curricula is an ambitious program with multi-dimensional goals ranging from developing students to have a healthy balance of mental,social/emotional and physical well-being (M1), to strengthening self-confidence in their ability to succeed (M2), to identifying short term academic and social/emotional goals (LS7), to creating positive/supportive relationships with other students (SS2). While the perception data and outcome data showed good results, the delivery of the lessons often felt rushed and the 10 planned lessons required additional sessions to complete the content. Additionally, with the vast scope of the lessons, it was more difficult for the teachers to reinforce the concepts throughout the school day. Consideration of the decision to continue with these lessons will have to include thought about the amount of time required to deliver the program effectively and perhaps a narrowing of the scope of the lessons.

Grade Level: 3

Lesson Topic: Conflict Resolution

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): LS9, SMS7, SS1, SS6

Start/End: Nov. 2017

Process Data (Number of students affected): 92 students in 4 classrooms participated. This was the first in a series of 3 lessons which were delivered in 30 minute time segments.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): REVISED SECTION
Students participated in a 9 question pre and post assessment to address the learning objectives. By the conclusion of the 3 sessions, students demonstrated an increase in all nine areas. Most importantly, this includes the targeted Mindsets and Behaviors of Gathering evidence to make informed decisions, demonstrating effective coping skills, using effective listening skills, and using effective collaboration and cooperation skills..

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): A comparison of office discipline referrals for 3rd grade students, as recorded in the Backpack student information system, revealed that the number of referrals increased by 1 referral from the first trimester to the second trimester. However, if the data is removed for 2 students who subsequently transitioned to a more supportive, educational environment, then the number of referrals decreased by 39% from T1 to T2.

Implications: REVISED SECTION Office discipline referrals decreased for the majority of students. Lesson goals were met. Third grade students now have a common language to utilize when attempting to solve conflicts. They are able to identify and thereby avoid strategies that escalate conflict and they can identify and implement actions that de-escalate conflict. Students understand the need to listen to each other to solve conflicts. Data suggests that these lessons have good results and should be continued. Ideally, these lessons would be delivered immediately at the beginning of the school year, so that the students would have the benefit of the information throughout the entire year. The lessons were delivered at the end of the school day during the students social studies block. This time is not ideal, since the students are tired by this time of the day and some need to leave early for their buses. Thus, I do not have the pre-post test data for all the students. In the future, I would like to teach these lessons earlier in the day, which would aid in data collection. Furthermore, I would like to add an additional lesson to the unit which would focus on more practice of I-Messages and further demonstration of meeting the Mindsets and Behaviors standards.



Grade Level: 5

Lesson Topic: Career Considerations

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): M1, M4, LS1, LS4

Start/End: Feb. 2018

Process Data (Number of students affected): 100 students in 4 classrooms participated. This was the first in a 2-lesson career unit which were delivered in 45 minute time segments.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): REVISED SECTION
Students participated in a 3 question pre- and/or post-evaluation of students' knowledge of post-secondary training options, since one Mindset that I wanted to target was the understanding that postsecondary education is necessary for long-term career success. Following the 2 lessons, 99% of the students were able to identify 3 types of post-secondary training options other than a 4 year college or university. Students also completed a worksheet for their career portfolio which included their personal interests, values and skills, their preferred working conditions and amount of education, and whether they might like to be an entrepreneur. The portfolio worksheet focused on the other Mindsets and Behaviors that I wanted to drive the lesson.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Attendance data as recorded in PowerSchool was analyzed to determine whether students' knowledge that lifelong learning is necessary for long-term career success had a positive impact on their attendance rates. The number of students at risk for chronic absences (>5% of days absent) was 23 at the end of June 2017. By June 2018 that number had dropped to 13, suggesting that the increased knowledge of the importance of learning had a positive impact on their attendance.

Implications: REVISED SECTION Students' attendance rates increased. On the post-test students' knowledge of post-secondary training options was mastered. Although the post-test was also meant to be utilized as a pre-test, I only administered it as a pre-test to one classroom of students. This group's lack of knowledge on the pre-test led to poor classroom behaviors which were difficult to redirect; thus, I discontinued the pre-test for the remainder of the classrooms. The vast majority of students successfully graduated from elementary school with a career portfolio containing 2+ artifacts and a solid introduction to the career development process. Evidence suggests that this unit should be continued utilizing a post-test, but a pre-test should be administered in a different way, perhaps as an opinion survey which could target their self-motivation or critical thinking or a ticket in assessment which could measure prior knowledge.



Grade Level: 5

Lesson Topic: Student Success Skills

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): M1, M2, LS7, SMS7

Start/End: Sept. 2017

Process Data (Number of students affected): 100 students in 4 classrooms participated. This was the first in a series of 13 lessons which were delivered in 45 minute time segments.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): REVISED SECTION
Students rated themselves weekly on either their Strategies to Master Coursework (memory strategies, handling pressure and anger, working cooperatively, and being responsible) or on their Strategies to Improve Energy and Mood (good nutrition, sleep, exercise, social support and balance of fun). Students then used these ratings to identify and commit to both long and short term goals to improve their skills. By the conclusion of the 13 sessions, students rated themselves 8.15% higher in the first measure and 9.14% higher in the latter, showing that the focus on the behavior standard of identifying goals was having a positive impact on the mindset standard of building their self-confidence in their ability to succeed.

Additionally, a post-test showed that students increased their ability to identify anxiety reducing strategies and memory boosting strategies; hopefully, improving their ability to demonstrate the behavior standard of utilizing effective coping skills when faced with a problem.

The teachers rated the SSS curriculum's impact on students' ability to set goals (4.0/5.0) and their dedication to building a supportive classroom (3.8/5.0) as moderately strong.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): An analysis of report cards for 100 students reveals that, between the first and third quarters of 5th grade, 55% increased the number of points they earned in the Characteristics of a Successful learner category or maintained the maximum number of points. An analysis of behavioral referrals for the 28 5th grade students who received office referrals in either the 4th or 5th grade shows a 278% decline in the average number of office referrals from the 16/17 to the 17/18 school year.

Implications: REVISED SECTION Students perceived themselves as more capable of mastering coursework and more capable of improving their own energy and mood levels by participating in the 13 lessons. Students learned memory and anxiety reduction strategies. Teachers rated most students higher in possessing the characteristics of successful learners. Office discipline referrals were drastically reduced from the previous academic year. Data indicates that this unit has a beneficial impact. Although perception data and outcome data show that this unit is effective, the number of lessons required to implement the lessons with fidelity was greater than anticipated. The lessons are advertised by the authors of the curriculum as having a duration of 45 minutes for 5 sessions. However, it took me 13 sessions of 45 minute lessons to fully complete the material. In the future, I will have to determine whether I can dedicate this amount of time to lessons for one grade level.

