
Kapolei Elementary (2018)

Kapolei, HI

Small Group Responsive Services

Our small groups action plan reflects the unique needs of our school. Based on our behavior referral data, the two highest locations has been the playground and classroom and the groups we have created is reflected on helping students work on skills that teaches appropriate behaviors. The developmental needs of the students are considered when creating our counseling groups. For example, counseling groups for grades K & 1 is focused on building friendships and learning playground safety skills. Our 5th grade student groups range between anger management, social skills, peer pressure, and attendance groups. Currently, the groups are created and refer to the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors to match it. In the future, we will be looking at the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors Program Planning Tool to determine groups to make based on the Mindsets and Behaviors we want to teach.

The lesson plans for the small group we are highlighting has been driven by the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors. Our peer pressure group (8 students) was created to assist students that had difficulty with decision making, self-control, and displaying social maturity appropriate to the situation (B-LS1, B-SMS 2, B-SS9). Perception data showed positive increases from pre to post tests. For example, there was a score increase of 3.5 to 5 for the statement “I believe that friends can put pressure on me to act a certain way”. There also was a score increase of 2.5 to 5 for the statement “I have a plan to deal with negative peer pressure”.

The results report not only showed positive score increases in all questions on the pre and post test, but outcome data showed that the 8 groups members were involved in 0 behavior referrals in 4th quarter compared to 7 referrals in 3rd quarter. The timing of the group was made as it was an attempt to prevent these students from engaging in future incidents. In addition, there was buy in as they were informed that any additional incident could result in not participating in end of year incentives. Therefore, we will be continuing with this peer pressure group as 5th grade seems to be the age where students have difficulty with balancing what is right and wrong versus how they want to be viewed by their friends.

Group Name: Peer Pressure Group

Goal: By the end of 4th quarter, there will be a 70% decrease in behavior referrals with 8 identified students in 5th grade from 7 referrals (3rd quarter) to 2 referrals (4th quarter).

Target Group: Identified students in 5th grade (5 girls and 3 boys)

Data Used to Identify Students: In the 3rd quarter, 6 of the 8 behavior referrals in 5th grade involved 8 students who have repeatedly gotten involved in situations where they made inappropriate choices and were unable to deal with peer pressure.

School Counselor(s): Dane Matsunaga

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): Domain: Social/Emotional B- LS 1 B- SMS 2 B- SS 9

Outline of Group Sessions Delivered: 1. Give pre-test and discuss the differences between aquaintances, every day friends, and close friends; and how they may influence us ("Different Types of Friends"). 2. Discuss that fitting in with a group is an important skill, as long as you choose the right group of friends ("Fitting In"). 3. Discuss the difference between negative and positive peer pressure ("How To Say No"). 4. Discuss that sometimes you have to stand up and be a leader by not always following the group ("Following The Right Leader"). 5. Discuss that the way you behave can be seen by everyone ("Who Is Watching You"). Finish with giving post-test and reflection.

Process Data (Number of students affected): 8 students (5 girls & 3 boys)

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): 1) "I believe that friends can put pressure on me to behave a certain way" moved from 50% agree to 100% reporting strongly agree. 2) "I know the difference between positive and negative peer pressure" moved from 75% reporting unsure to 100% reporting strongly agree. 3) "I know how to be a positive influence for others" moved from 50% reporting unsure to 100% reporting agree or strongly agree. 4) "I have a plan to deal with negative peer pressure" moved from 100% reporting unsure or disagree to 100% reporting strongly agree.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): At the end of 4th quarter (after the conclusion of the counseling group), there was 0 referrals involving the identified students (100% decrease) compared with 7 referrals involving the identified students (12 students) in 3rd quarter.

Implications: We were pleased with the effectiveness of the group. At the time the group was initiated, they had been involved in numerous behavior referrals. Although the group was created as a reactive step, it provided these students a last chance to change before getting year end incentives taken away. This created buy in for the students and they followed through with the commitment to change their behavior. This may not work for every group, but we are hopeful that with each group, the students get motivated to learn new skills and make changes to improve behavior.













