Of the three lessons I selected, Lesson #1 supports Goal #1 and Lesson #2 supports Goal #2. The content of these lessons is challenging, activities are engaging, and the students are not only learning skills and content, but are able to effectively and accurately report out on what they learned. Unfortunately, for some of my core curricular lessons, I inadvertently did not collect pre-test data in order to measure the effectiveness of the lessons. In the original submission, I omitted all of the pre-test data that was collected. In the re-submit, perception data collection information was included for the lessons in which the data was available. For 2018-2019, this was a significant learning for improved programming.
Lesson #1 Grade 1: Anti-Bullying Concepts and Strategies
The data suggests that the anti-bullying lesson may have contributed to the reduction in “disrespect to peer” office infractions from 1 in March and 2 in April to zero in May and June. The SWPBIS data is misleading; the additional students who did not earn the monthly incentive may have been due to the increase in the target percentage of greens, blues, and purples for the month and while classroom behaviors may have increased, they may not have been severe enough to report to administration. The pre and post-test results indicate an effective lesson, however, this lesson was extremely ambitious for 1st graders to complete in the 40 minutes allotted. It may be beneficial to allocate two days to this lesson with the same content. The pre-test hand signals were too confusing and the post-test, while extremely informative, took too long to administer. Using a pinch card for the pre-test and if 2 days are used to cover the content, the post-test in its current form may be sustained.
Lesson #2: Grade 5: Relationship Smarts: Behaviors, Choices, and Peer Pressure
The data would suggest that the lesson may have contributed to a reduction in office infractions. There were 5 infractions in September and 22 in October. After the relationship lesson, office infractions decreased by 82% with only 4 office infractions among 5th graders in November. That reduction held true for the December (3) and January (3) and increased again in February (12). Related to Goal #2, the data would suggest that this lesson may have also contributed to the reduction in office infractions with the group of 9 targeted 5th grade students. In September 3/5 infractions and in October 21/22 infractions were committed by these students. However, in November, this number decreased by 81% to 4/4 infractions. This reduction held for the next two months in December (2/3) and in January (2/3). The SWPBIS data is more deceiving – with an unremarkable slight increase in students who did not earn the monthly incentive, it seems that students were able to maintain positive expected behaviors within their classrooms despite the overall number of office infractions. The data supports maintaining this lesson next school year and based on student discussion during the lesson, a component of role-playing is necessary in an attempt to simulate the stress of these types of peer interactions. The lesson has a lot of content and it felt rushed; a consideration will be made to break the lesson into two parts over two days.
Lesson #3: Grade 4: Anti-Bullying Concepts and Tools
While 81% of students were able to correctly define the term bullying in the post test, the results indicate I need to spend more time on teaching the definition of bullying behavior - focusing on the imbalance of power and repeated nature (most of the errors on the workpage). 98% were able to correctly identify the characters in a bullying situation and since they can do this, future lessons may include more instruction on teaching bystanders to feel comfortable with the power they have in this role. 92% were able to correctly identify types of bullying which will help them know how to respond. 95% were able to correctly identify anti-bullying strategies in videos. This tells me that they may be more able to see how the strategies can work in real life and start to develop a personal action plan for possible strategies to use with each type of bullying behavior. Role-playing the strategies with partners helped to give students the confidence to employ strategies in the event of a bullying situation. All 7 disrespect to peer infractions/office referrals occurred between September and November. Based on this data, I will consider moving the anti-bullying lesson earlier in the school year.