
Marietta Sixth Grade Academy (2018)

Marietta , GA

School Counseling Core Curriculum Results Report

Data is helpful for evaluating lessons, content, and gained knowledge. Having the results report for each core curriculum lesson helps streamline the lesson’s content to student achievement, behavior, or attendance. Given that MSGA is one grade level and consists of one full time and one part time counselor for magnet students, it affects the way in which we deliver core curriculum lessons. Until we are able to secure two full time counselors, the most effective way to deliver lessons is through advisement which takes place most Wednesdays for 45 minutes. At this time, school counseling core curriculum lessons are delivered to every student by their advisement teacher. As a result of this model, perception data for some lessons is collected from pre/post questions written on the board for comparison. Other data is collected from completed activities. Nevertheless, we realized the need to collect more concrete pre/post assessments that will render a clearer picture of students’ perceptions. We look forward to incorporating those next school year.

Our advisement model instructs teachers to collect perception data by writing pre/post questions on the board, such as the PBIS being balanced lesson. This resulted in having to create a scale to convert answers from qualitative to quantitative data. Although this format is more convenient for teachers and adequate for some lessons, it is not the most accurate way to collect data. Therefore, we will work toward incorporating electronic pre/post assessment measures within our lessons in order to collect more accurate data in a quantitative way. Teachers will be instructed to administer these pre/post assessments at the beginning and end of lessons.

There will be a continuous use of ASCA’s M&B as the foundation for developing core curriculum lesson plans. Given that we are one grade level and receive a new population of students every year, the results report from the previous school year will be utilized to make inferences about lessons for the following year. As a result, M&B standards and core curriculum lesson will be revised in accordance to the student population’s need for that year.

Data results are important in making decisions about core curriculum lessons. Most of our lessons target behavior and achievement systemically, which will be continued next year given their positive outcome. Nevertheless, we will make changes to improve perception data for more clarity and accuracy.

Grade Level: 6

Lesson Topic: PBIS Goal Setting - 6th Grade Year

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): Academic, Career, Social/ Emotional. Mindset: M1, M2, M3. Behavior: BLS1, BLS3, BLS7, BSMS1.

Start/End: Throughout month of August

Process Data (Number of students affected): All students enrolled at the time.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Actual percentage change not readily available given that qualitative longitudinal data was collected for this activity.

Comparison of completed goals in this lesson to the reflection in May showed an overall positive impact on students’ attitudes toward goal setting. Students were presented with opportunities to develop appropriate developmental skills and identify tangible ways to reach developed goals. Students were also prompted to take accountability for actions whether it fell under the academic or personal realm through guided reflection and planning. Completing this activity helped students set expectations for themselves in addition to the ones upheld by the school.

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Behavior - a decrease in total behavioral referrals for the school year – 36.6% decrease in major referrals and 31.2% decrease in minor referrals (goal 3). Achievement - decrease in amount of students retained as a result of involvement and accountability in academic journey – two students retained this year versus five during 2016-2017 school year.

Implications: Perception and outcome data implies that students successfully took part in their educational journey by participating in core curriculum lessons that helped develop appropriate skills, aided in behavior modification, truancy, and helped students take appropriate steps toward academic success.





Grade Level: 6

Lesson Topic: Career Planning

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): Domain: Career. Mindset: M4, M5. Behavior: BLS5, BL7, BSMS3.

Start/End: Completed between 01/31 and 03/13

Process Data (Number of students affected): All students enrolled at the time.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Comparison of pre/post responses revealed the following percentage increase of knowledge across all categories:
• College, and career consideration – 0.30%
• Required education for desired career – 9.53%
• Interest and abilities for career planning – 5.18%
• Where to find information about desired career online – 7.55%
• Meeting someone from the desired future career – 24.44%

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Outcome data not immediately available given that behavior or achievement toward career paths/decisions will continue to be influenced through secondary education and post-graduate programs.

Implications: Completion of activities implies that students were presented with opportunities to develop appropriate developmental skills and identify tangible ways to reach goals. Students were impacted the most by meeting someone from the desired future career interest which will lead us to continue career day efforts in the future.




Grade Level: 6

Lesson Topic: PBIS Being Balanced

Lesson was Presented in Which Class/Subject:

ASCA Domain, Mindsets & Behaviors Standard(s): Domain: Academic Social/ Emotional. Mindset: M1, M2. Behavior: BLS1, BLS3, BSMS2.

Start/End: Completed between 3/14 and 3/21

Process Data (Number of students affected): All students enrolled at the time.

Perception Data (Surveys or assessments used): Students’ pre/post answers revealed a 100% increase of knowledge in 4 out of 5 questions:
• What does it mean to be balanced?
• How do you think being balanced fits into the PBIS program?
• What does it look like?
• How about in school – what does upholding a balanced behavior look like?

Knowledge of the following question remained the same:
• Is it possible to develop a balanced behavior everywhere?

Outcome Data (Achievement, attendance, and/or behavior data): Behavior - a decrease in total behavioral referrals for the school year – 36.6% decrease in major referrals and 31.2% decrease in minor referrals (goal 3).

Implications: Perception and outcome data implies that students successfully took part in their educational journey by participating in core curriculum lessons that helped develop appropriate skills, aided in behavior modification and truancy. Completion of activities implies that students were presented with opportunities to develop appropriate developmental skills and identify tangible ways to reach goals. Students were also prompted to take accountability for actions whether it fell under the academic or personal realm through guided reflection and planning. Completing this activity helped students set expectations for themselves in addition to the ones upheld by the school.


